Wedding invites: who to invite or not

My wedding is coming up in August and I have a very large family. SO has a very small immediate family but large extended family who he’s ‘very close to’. We see his extended family more than my immediate family.

Weddings on his side so far: 2, upcoming:3 invites to whole day:0, invites to evening:4.

2 London weddings (where we’re from, 2 Scottish weddings and 1 Italian wedding.

My side, 2 weddings, 1 whole day invite, 1 evening invite, 1 upcoming unconfirmed attendance.

He wants to invite the family members to the whole day of our wedding (who only invited us to the evening part of their weddings), £80 per head. We have been expected to travel hundreds of miles and pay hundreds of pounds to attend only the evening disco.

Am I in the wrong for feeling hurt that we are to foot an over £600 bill to invite these people who didn’t want us at their whole day, and to also feel hurt for being expected to pay hundreds of pounds to only attend their <a href="">eve</a> disco, which I won’t even be able to enjoy as I will have baby as daddy will want to get drunk with his side of the family (as it’s his family members wedding)?

This is all to happen a few months before our own wedding so I’m fully expecting SO to tell me that we can’t have what we want on our day due to the financial implications of attending the other relatives weddings.

Looking for opinion before I voice this to his parents about the cost of it for us, especially as we have a 5month old baby and my maternity pay is a significant cut to our income