Gas attacks...normal? Looking for answers. Scared.

Madison • 🦄👩🏻‍🎤🌸 Hufflepuff | it’s nice to be important, it’s important to be nice |

This has happened a few times but last night was the worst thing I've ever felt in my life. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday and I plan on bringing this up again but I was looking if anyone else had something similar. I will be honest and say the level of pain I was in scared my husband and myself last night.

SOME BACKGROUND: . I'm only five feet tall and at 23 weeks my son is measuring on the larger side so I already look farther along. The bloating is always in my upper abdominal and is severe enough to have caused some stretch marks on the top of my stomach. I was very sick for the first trimester and that resulted in me still weighing less than my pre-pregnancy weight by a few pounds. The pain always starts in my mid back and spreads to my upper stomach ( just under my breath to the top of my belly button). It gets so tight that I can feel the movment of gas in my stomach and the pain normally lasts one to three hours. I normally vomit once or twice and within an hour of that it's done. It always happens at night. I take gas x and have talked to my doctor about it whom I trust and have good long term rapport with.

At about 1030 last night I started to feel the start of the bloating. I took two GasX and stretched for a bit. By 1 am I was rolling on the bathroom floor moaning. By three I was shaking and crying. By four I was vomiting a little bit from the pain and it felt like my ribs were going to break. It started to ease up by five but at 3 pm this afternoon I can still feel movement and I'm uncomfortable. I have had a BM and am able to urinate. My bloating has gone down but I feel bruised and it hurts to move around. I had to take my first sick day from work for this entire pregnancy. I didn't go to the ER because they have been reluctant to treat me because of my pregnancy. I was in to much pain to think straight and call the Dr.

I have never been afraid of labor. Labor is a part of having a baby. Something I tried and waited for for a long time. But after last night I am TERRIFIED of that level of pain again. I have broken bones and disclosed limbs that were tolerable compared to last night. My husband was scared too and didn't know how to help me besides padding the bathroom floor with blankets and googling symptoms. Has anyone else had anything like this? Is labor comparable to this?