College and relationship advice

I need some advice here ladies!

I’m 18 years old, a full time college student in North Dakota.

Just a couple months ago, I started talking to this guy who I fell in love with and met back when I was maybe 9 or 10 years old!

We are now dating and it’s been a wonderful relationship.

About a month ago, I applied to college in Minnesota and when I did this, my boyfriend was so supportive and more than willing to follow me and be with me in Minnesota!

Just last night, I found out I got accepted!😊

We’ve had numerous talks about living situations, finding jobs, who pays what, and all that stuff!

I just want y’alls opinion if you think it’s crazy to be in an apartment with my boyfriend during college this soon or is it completely normal?

I’m a bit nervous of what my mom will say, but my dad is completely supportive!