Dear Crush, (advice is appreciated)

I know you have a girlfriend, but it is more than apparent things are falling through. I'm not saying these harsh words in an attempt to improve my chances, but because I've observed it and heard it from you first hand! You say to me girls are confusing, then why text me for three days straight then leave me on read? Was it something I did? When I tell my friend someone thinks I'm hot, and you overhear, desperate to know who, or when we talk for hours on the bus, or dance beside each other at parties, all signs point to yes. Yet there is an unspoken burden between us, so when we catch each others eyes in a crowded room, our first instinct is to look away. That hurts, because I want to stare deep into your eyes and never look away. Feel that rush every time we talk, but on a whole new, foreign level. But I guess I'll never be able to, because you won't make a move. The mixed signals are becoming difficult to track, so please spare the anxiety and just tell me how you feel about me already.