Update: Birth Control Start

Kyara • 26. Wife & Momma. Colombia/ Jersey. Frankie Kai 👼🏻 and Nicholas Elliot 👶🏻❤️

Update: So I started the BC the day I posted this and now my hormones are all out of wack and I have cried more than ever and have been extremely moody...please someone tell me this doesn’t last forever 🤔😢😫

Very big question that I need answered today please ! My gynecologist told me to start taking this for my period, but really did not explain a thing and when I spoke to her she was super confusing. TMI but I started my period today which is when she told me to start it but today is Saturday and the days at the top are confusing... do I just start with the very first one or do I start on Saturday ? Please helppppppp