For those having boy troubles, or frustrated by a difficult boy...


There was a post about a girl who liked a boy and he liked her, however no one was making any moves in terms of seeking a relationship so I commented this, and I decided to make it public because I know that boys are difficult and everyone can relate to her problem or may be experiencing it now!

Don't give up! Maybe find little excuses to talk to him more, or just simply ask if he would like to hang out sometime! Also you could just ask him for his number, however if you do this just make sure it is in good time, you don't want to do it too soon because it could come off as slightly creepy. I was single for a year and there was this boy in my church group and I would notice that he would stare at me quite often and I would stare at him quite often as well. Well after a few months, he found me on Facebook and we started talking. We talked for 9 months and towards the end we started to say I love you back and forth, but he still didn't ask me out yet!! I was getting so frustrated but I kept with it and shortly after that, he called me and asked me to be his girlfriend! We are still going strong and he is such a sweetheart, definitely worth the long wait! My point is, sometimes boys are confusing (hence my story) but if he's the right one, it will be worth the wait. So don't worry if things aren't happening as fast as you like or perfectly. If it is meant to be, it'll be!💕