Night time sleep


I read th no cry sleep solution book and that’s the philosophy I believe in personally. I don’t believe in CIO, it’s just not for us so please don’t recommend that.

Baby is just over one week old, and I am struggling at night! I’ve kicked my bf out of our bedroom for sleeping lol bc he snores so loud and keeps me awake and plus when I get up a bunch of times for baby, seeing him sleeping and snoring super loudly Just was depressing lol.

Anyway, idk what to do about night time sleep for me and baby:( I desperately need help bc many times I have resorted to holding her in my arms she lays on my chest and I am sitting up with the boppy around my waist so she’s sort of sitting on it and my arms are resting on it so I feel somewhat secure and like I won’t move but still I hate that I do it and fear that something bad will happen. But she absolutely will not will not will not sleep in her crib and occasionally OCCASIONALLY sleep in her infant rocker for like an hour. I am following the instructions in the book to get her accustomed to crib sleep but in the mean time what can I do?? I hate sleeping with her in my arms but o feel that falling asleep knowing I’m holding her is better than being so exhausted that I drift off while breastfeeding and not holding her properly...