Whiskey is a blessing whiskey dick is not

Abby • 17 Complicated relationships and bad decisions

So last night at 3am I receive a call from my bf and I answer and he wants me to come spend the night and so I was like “okay well my car doesn’t have snow tires and I have to drop my gma off at the airport at 7am wanna come pick me up?” And so he gets here and I get into the car and it reeks of alcohol and he kisses me and he’s obviously drunk. As furious as I was I drove us back to his house and he was wanting to have sex and im down for that howeverrr he could not keep a boner for more than a minute no matter how hard we tried and we tried to have sex with his limpy dick (LOL) and would put the blame on me because I wasn’t wet enough ( like sorry I’m not turned on by your whiskey dick loll ). Anyway 6:30am comes around and we haven’t slept and I have to get home to drive my gma to the airport and he’s all mad at me bc he doesn’t want to drive and then on the way his boss calls him in to plow roads and he’s still not 100% sober and hasn’t slept all night. I feel awful about it but the moral of this story is don’t have sex with a drunk guy.