Stress,Stress & More Stress


Okay pop quiz how does somebody honestly forget to eat I just realized that it's like almost 6:30 and I haven't ate today. I sipped on Gatorade & had a few crackers but that's it. I have been really stressed &  haven't felt like eating which I guess is a good thing cuz usually if I'm super stressed I eat everything in sight but I need some kind of balance & this not eating thing isn't working. Nothing actually sounds good enough to eat though maybe that's my problem. I'm going to find something to eat soon well hopefully I will I've been saying that for a while probably for about 2 or 3 hours if not more I keep getting distracted I just seen  what time it is & I'm like yeah I really need food today.  So that soon ended up running into like 2.5 hours I'm just now remembered to find food it smells really good I'm waiting for the cool off to eat hopefully I won't forget to eat it then. This isn't good or normal how does this happen I should have ate I'm just honestly don't feel like it. How do y'all deal with stress? I'm looking for new ideas,ways & suggestions to deal with stress. I've been so stressed out about so much and so many different things lately it's really getting to me. Yesterday it made me physically sick to my stomach and then I started stressing because I was sick I didn't feel good from being stressed and I still have to go to work. Today I've tried resting and relaxing which sort of worked but then I feel bad and guilty that I'm taking a break because I have so much stuff to stress over, I also got some bad news today so that didn't help it made me stress more. I'm really hoping and praying but a lot of the stress will go away soon I also really hope that most of it goes away tomorrow when my husband comes home I think a lot of it is anxiety about him being gone but I'm also happy that he's gone. He is my rock he is the calm love of mine that one I'm the stress out and panic about anything one so I'm hoping as soon as I see him that a lot of this will melt and just go away. I have been praying for different situations the things which is causing my stress I know I believe that God's timing is best but I'm human so sometimes it's hard to let that sink in and be patient and then I start stressing what if I'm not praying enough what if I should say something different when I pray what if my prayers aren't good enough, what if I'm not being patient enough   there is a whole bunch of  random what is but I know God doesn't see it that way all prayers are important to him & he answers them all in is I'm timing you just have to be patient and listen.