My precious baby boy!!!


I went for my 40 week appointment on my due date, December 5th. The doctor said the sonographer saw meconium in my amniotic fluid, so he scheduled for me to come in the next morning to be induced. I didn't want to be induced but also didn't want my baby to have any issues. I went in at 5:30 that morning. At my appointment the day before I was only 2 cm. When they checked me before starting anything, I was 4-5 cm dilated!! When they hooked me up to the monitor, I was having contractions!!! The doctor came in and broke my water at about 7am. When he broke my water, there was a lot of vernix (cheesy looking stuff) but no meconium! About 15 minutes later, pitocin was started and the nurse said I was 6-7 cm dilated. The doctor left to go to the clinic. He said he got his computer cut on and the nurse called him to tell him I was 9cm. At 8:52 a.m. on December 6th, my baby boy was born!! He weighed 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 23 inches long!!! We were so surprised at how big he was!!!

My husband with our 5 boys!!!

Going home!!!