Dear Sister

Our parents have been divorced for years! YEARS! Why do you have to keep avoiding mom? Why the hell do you get to say you're "uncomfortable" with mom and that's a legitimate excuse, but when I say I'm uncomfortable with our grandparents acting as our parents, I'm the biggest asshole on the planet? Why am I "betraying your love" and "showing what a true disappointment I am" because I want to stop living with Dad? Why am I selfish for saying what I want and going after it, but when you do "you're finally showing an interest". Why am I supposed to just "get over" cutting, depression, and anxiety alone? When the second something was wrong they got you help. Why am I expected to baby your feelings when I've always been served the hard truth? WHY AM I THE ONE THAT HAS TO BE RESPONSIBLE WHEN YOU'RE THE OLDER SISTER? WHY AM I THE "LIAR" FOR TELLIMG THE TRUTH ABOUT YEARS OF EMOTIONAL ABUSE? Oh well...I'm just an angry, angsty teen, right?