This cold/flu season can die and go to hell.

Jacqueline • Wife. Dog mom. Real mom. April '16 baby boy. Sept '17 baby girl.

Never having another baby in the fall/winter time! (Probably done having babies anyways due to having two under 2. 😂)

I have done as much as I possibly could to prevent my 3 1/2 month from not getting this ridiculous but that everyone has this season, but she has it and it’s breaking my heart! Her little baby coughs and the congestion! Ugh! My son didn’t even have his first cold till he was 9 months old, and that was awful enough watching him go through that. But 3 months?! Come on! 😞

Anyways. End rant. She’s taking it like a champ and it’s giving me a little hope seeing her smiling through all of this! We’re doing everything we can to prevent an Urgent Care visit and so far she’s breathing well. 👍🏽

I hope everyone else’s babies are staying healthy!!!