It's a little much


Any one else starting to feel like there are a lot of unattainable expectations for pregnant women? 🍉 Eat for two...but no more than an additional 300 calories...but no need to count calories...and treat your self to those pregnancy cravings...but don't gain to much...or too little weight. 🏊 Make sure you work out... but don't overdo it. 💅 You need to relax! Go get a pedicure...but watch those chemicals...try a warm bath instead...maybe make it lukewarm. 💤 It's totally normal to be exhausted...but best get your glow on. ** I know moderation is key and every mama has to do what they feel is right for their body and their baby but add all of the crazy misinformation (for example, despite what some people think it is OKAY to eat pinapple🍍) it's impossible to keep up**