Is it okay for a man to hit a woman?

Is it okay for a man to hit a woman when it's only verbal abuse? like say you're arguing Nd then he hits you especially pregnant. does that justify him ? .

To make it more understandable. Say you are arguing and he starts calling you names and you say the same thing back to him only because you are tired of it and then he kicks you or punches you. Pushes you, slaps you, etc.

He says it justifies him hitting me kicking me and punching me (not in face) because of my big mouth. All I do is say the same thing he tells me and then expects me  to be quiet. When I was about 4 months he grabbed me and threw me on the ground. Slapped me and started kicking me on the floor. He said sorry and I forgave him only because of my son. Less than a month ago he kicked me almost at the stomach and kicked me hard in my ass. where the butthole is at. today he threatened me with a metal thingy . He wanted to throw it at me. I don't have NO WHERE to go. have no money and not even a car. I told him in leaving in less than 4 weeks with my son.