Migraine headaches, nausea, emotions

Bianca & Morgan • Chill couple ❤️ Currently Pregnant

So I’m 13 weeks on New Year’s Day. I have been having really severe headaches like turned into migraine, for over 2 weeks, makes me wicked nauseous all day long from the pain in my head, heat and ice don’t help any, neither does Tylenol, all the migraine meds they would prescribe me before getting pregnant cause birth defects so I’m sorta stuck (without going to er to get a migraine cocktail). Anyone have natural remedies that might help? I have tried the facial massage, tried the heated feet and the ice on the back of my neck, tried heat on back of neck. Also my emotions are all over the place, I had depression before I became pregnant and have been suicidal because of how bad the pain is in my head. I cannot stop crying when I have a suicidal episode. I feel like I’ve already failed as a mother. Any natural remedies or ideas to help?