New Year’s Resolution

For almost 8 years, I’ve picked my skin/scalp... to the point of bleeding, usually at least once a day. It started off as a coping mechanism for being anxious around new people in college, but over time, it’s become something I do almost unconsciously when I’m nervous, bored, angry, etc.

This is the year I’m nipping this in the bud. I’m done being too embarrassed to get my hair cut or for someone to do my hair for formal events. I’m done with painful showering and shampooing. I’m tired of people catching me picking, and tired of having to fix my hair all of the time because I’ve pulled out so many strands.

It might not seem like a lot, but this skin picking is something I wish I’d never started doing, and I want healthy hair for my wedding in 2019.

Anyone else have a “resolution” they’re too nervous to tell people about?