Yessica • mama-to-be to a baby BOY, motherhood + lifestyle blogger, picture-taker. Follow my pregnancy journey on my blog: www.thedoeandherfawn.com and/or Instagram: www.instagram.com/thedoeandherfawn

Second times the charm! The first time I went in at 16w5d for an ultrasound, I had hope Dr would tell me the gender BUT baby did not cooperate! Ugh. I was so bummed because I wanted to know right before Christmas. It didn’t take long for me to laugh about the situation. Of course that would happen to ME! lol!

Luckily, I was able to schedule my anatomy scan a week and a half later at 18w!!! And immediately found out the gender because it was so obvious haha! Baby was not shy this time.

I am having a...


It’s crazy because I wanted a girl for so long but the last week before my anatomy scan, I changed my mind and just didn’t care anymore! I’m having exactly what God wants me to have and that’s all that matters. I’m still shocked. I truly can’t believe I’m going to be a mom to a little BOY! I’m so excited!!!

I’ll be raising my baby on my own because husband/dad is no longer in the picture. Not how I originally wanted it to be, but it’s better off this way for me and the baby. So any advice is welcome because this is my first pregnancy and have no idea what is to come!

Also, any Spanish boy name suggestions??? I am Mexican so I want a name that flows well both in English and Spanish. So far I have Sebastián and love it, but want more options. Thank you so much!
