MAKEUP to the extreme

I get eye liner and mascara. I even get using concealer and foundation, bronzer and blush. I use all that. but when you need 10 wipes to remove it all at the end of the day, you have a serious problem. Why do women feel the need to literally paint on makeup? If you are putting on so much makeup that you actually changed the color of your face, there are some underlying problems. Just like the image below, your physical identity changes. This is going to offend people, but I just don't get it. Like I dont think your significant other would recognize you in a line up if you took it off. I like my red, blotchy, pimply face. Because it is me and I am not afraid to simply be me.

EDIT: A lot of you are not understanding. I love wearing makeup. I said I wore makeup in the first few sentences. Some of you even posted a picture of you wearing makeup. And you look beautiful. But I am talking about CAKED ON MAKEUP. Like cannot identify you if you took it off because you look like a different person. I am NOT against makeup. I do NOT however understand why people need to PAINT it on like the image below.