Possibly Endo?

Hey all! Looking for some advice here. I’ve been TTC for over a year now and so far nothing. Husband and I both have had several tests done and so far everything has come back good.

There is pretty much 1 thought in the back of mind... I’m wondering if I could have endo. Periods are very regular, hardly ever get cramps, just a headache before it hits normally. Other than that little to no pain... and no pain during sex either. One random thing that changed for me symptoms-wise in the past year is getting diarrhea with periods. Sometimes it will hit before my period, sometimes during or right on ovulation. I read that could occur with endo. I never, ever used to have this problem so I’m a bit concerned. Dr seemed to think it was normal, but I’m still just wondering about it. My aunt (Mom’s sister) had a mild case as a teenager that cleared up on its own as she aged, but still, there is a link there. Just wondering if anyone has similar symptoms.