My birth story. πŸ’œπŸ’›

Brytnye. :) β€’ Zahyn; 12.21.17πŸ‘ΆπŸ»β€οΈ Kaydn; 9.10.20 😍🌟 Baby #3 coming 3.5.24 πŸ₯°

So, finally after reading everyone's birth stories day by day waiting for my little man, I finally get to post mine. 😍 It was not how I thought labor would ever be, but being a first time mom I'm glad I just took it step by step.

On December 20th, which was ironically my due date, I decided to go to the hospital because I hadn't felt my son move since the night before. I was thinking to myself, I'm sure he's okay, but let's just go in and make sure since I'm so far along. When I got to labor and delivery it was around 6pm, they had me change into a gown and hooked me up to the monitors. They found his heartbeat right away and I was relieved. After finding his heartbeat they went ahead and checked me for dilation because that's just what they do when you come in. I ended up being 4cm which was awesome, but sad because I thought he was never going to come and I was just going to have to end up being induced anyways, sometime after my next appointment on the 23rd. The nurse asked me if I had any questions and I brought up to her that I've had a lot of discharge the last two days and she says "That's normal, but I can check to see if your water broke just incase if you want." I went ahead and told her to go ahead and check. Better to be safe than sorry, but I knew it was going to come back negative. After awhile she comes back and says "Your water is leaking so we're admitting you. You're gonna have a baby!" I just sat there in shock and just thanked coming in because if I hadn't my son might not be here today. Around 8 o'clock my boyfriend starts calling family to tell them our baby is coming! Around 8 they finally admitted me and started me on pitocin. Shortly after they started me on it, I got contractions. My plan was to go natural so the contractions weren't that bad and I was managing. A couple hours later go by and they are starting to get more painful, but they came and checked me again and I had only progressed a 1/2 cm. As I was laying there just waiting for the medicine to do it's thing, I felt a pop. At first I just thought it was my son's head, but then water came gushing out. My water broke! After that my contractions got 100x worse and I wasn't managing very good. I was super tense and my body wouldn't relax. At that point I started thinking about the epidural. I really wanted to be tough and go natural, but I just couldn't cope with how intense the contractions were getting. I went ahead and got the epidural at around 12am. They say the shot they give you to numb the area where the needle goes in makes it a lot less painful, but it didn't for me. I felt everything, but it was better than the contractions 100%! My legs and butt began to go numb. They got so numb my boyfriend had to help me move my legs when I began to feel uncomfortable. The catheter you get along with the epidural was a breeze and I was super scared of it being painful, but I was so numb I didn't feel anything. I just relaxed. A half hour after I got the epidural my cervix was checked and I was 6cm. At 2am I was 9 cm and at 3am I was 10cm, but the babies head needed to come down more before I could begin to push. I felt a lot of butt pressure waiting for his head to come down. I just closed my eyes and tried to just ignore the feeling. At around 3:40am the nurse came in and said it was time to push! I pushed and pushed and finally at 4:11am on December 21st, 2017 our son, Zahyn James Aragon was born! β™‘ I only got 2 stiches and recovery hasn't been that bad. It's been the more painful process especially with lack of sleep. I was in labor 8 hours and I pushed for 30 minutes. My nurse and my boyfriend were amazing support. I couldn't have done it without them. Labor and delivery was definitely not as scary as I thought. It's tough and scary going into something you've never been through before being a first time mom, but I would do it all over again. The pain melts away when you hold your little one. 😍 So for any of those who are scared, just know you can do it!