My last Birth story


Finally had our bundle of joy at 40+1 ❤️ little Walker Frank. 8lbs 3oz and 20.5in long born NYE!

So at 4p on the 30th I started having the strongest contractions I’d had yet. So after having them consistently for 3 hours we took my son to my in laws and headed to the hospital since my doc was actually there and he could evaluate me. He went ahead and admitted me at 3cm and 60%, then he went home. At 2a they checked me and I had not made any new changes, the doc then broke my waters and that’s when it all really happened. I labored in the tub which was amazing 🙌🙌🙌 (didn’t have that option with my first birth). A few hours after breaking my water I was at 5cm and 80%. So I continued to labor pretty well uninterrupted until about 0630 on the 31st where I was 8cm and in less than 15min later i wasn’t just ready to push my body was making me! And so I did, 3 contractions later he was here and perfect ❤️