I should have taken it a lot time ago.. right?


I have a story to tell that ends with me asking your opinion on something. My sister passed away in June. She was 31.

I’m 26 (27 tomorrow!) My sister has two kids who are 13 and 10. So yes my nephew was born when I was almost 13 years old and my niece when I was 15. They are my world!!

Well so there was no problem until recently about all my sisters personal items. I’m worried and also a little upset about where they are.

Her fiancé has them. The girl she was with for 2 and a half years. Now that is not the problem the problem is she got with the one person my sister asked her not to be with and i was like this when I found out..

Okay that also was not the problem it was the fact that she was bringing my sisters kids around her without letting anyone know. (Before I even knew she was with her) Not even the kids father!! She was having them around her for months and lying to us all...

I didn’t know at the time she didn’t tell their father or I would have said something to her about that.

She was NOT married to my sister before she passed.

I fought for her to make sure she got to still see the kids and the kids got to go back to their moms house.

My sisters ‘fiancé’ kept telling me she didn’t want anything to change for the kids. Didn’t want anyone to take anything.

Then I go down for Christmas she has moved all that other girls stuff in with my sisters... completely changed the kids rooms.

Also moved out some of her furniture and gave away her clothes went through all her stuff.... didn’t even call to tell me... didn’t even invite me to help when it’s my fucking sister. The only reason I never went through and did anything was because she was so sad and didn’t want anything to change... bullshit

She didn’t want me to take my sisters stuff away because she would have to replace it...

I don’t want to hurt the kids by taking their moms stuff but she changed there room and they didn’t seem to mind. Also they don’t live there anymore just stay a weekend maybe two a month.

Should I get my sisters items

Or should I let my sisters “fiancé” and her girl she asked her not to be with use them..

Mind you this I want everything to put up for the kids to have when they get there first place on there own... she wants it there for them to see when they come over but In 10 Years...

where is the best place for the stuff to be?

Do you think the kids will be mad at me for taking it?

Should I talk to them about me taking it?

I just want to do right by my sister and them kids.

I forgot to say this was only 7 months ago when she passed away and the girl moved in (if not sooner) two months after my sister passed.