Introduction and preemie sleep question


I'm Megan, and I'm new here, just browsing and reading through other people's posts just so I don't feel so alone! My little man was born at 35+1 on Dec 7. My daughter got the flu and both my husband and I got it from her a day later. I got so dehydrated it triggered contractions and by the time I got to the hospital to get fluids, I was 4 cm dilated and baby's heartrate was dropping with every contraction. They were able to stabilize him, but he was born a few hours later. He's doing wonderfully for being 5 weeks early and didn't require a NICU stay, and we are so grateful he's so healthy!!

He's almost 4 weeks now, and I feel so lost sometimes. My daughter was full term and big, so I just have no idea what's normal with a small preemie and what's not. He's gaining weight like a champ, so we are off the 2 hr feeding schedule (thank God), but honestly at night, he still wakes me up every 1-2.5 hours. I'll feed him and change his diaper and he'll be sound asleep when I lay him down, then within an hour, he's fussing. He fusses in his sleep though- won't wake up to eat, doesn't need a diaper change, is warm. I don't know if this is just part of preemie life before his due date or what. I'm exhausted and I know his sleep probably won't change anytime soon. I'm just looking for other people's experiences. Did your LOs do this and for how long? I know every baby is different and I know little sleep is just part of having a newborn, but it would be great to know when I could anticipate him sleeping a little longer. Or also just to know I'm not the only one who's so utterly exhausted. I just feel so uninformed and unequipped...