So so tired 😫


My goal for this month is to get my almost 5month old into his own crib in his own room. He did great in our room in his bassinet before he got to big then did ok in his play pin until the 4 month sleep regression hit. Then it was asleep for 4 hours then up every hour on the hour unless he was in bed next to mommy 😑 now don't get me wrong I love the cuddles but I need sleep and mommy and daddy need adult time lol. Anyway, last night was the first night in his crib and I slept on the floor. Well tried to. He was up EVERY SINGLE HOUR ALL NIGHT LONG. And I'm at a loss. He takes his naps in the crib and does great anywhere from 1-3 hours. So I'm not sure why last night was different. He was really only up up twice for feedings and the other 100 billion times was because of the dreaded and loved paci. I'd pop that paci back in his face and he'd go right back to sleep. But I can't do that every single hour of the night forever. Any tips? Help? Same boat? I don't really wNt to take the paci away because that's his comfort but cmon. Also, how and when do you try to stop the night feedings?