Best New Years Surprise Ever

Allison • 32 years old Wife 💗 Mama

I really did not think this was our month, as my husband was sick during most of my fertile window. I was expecting my period either Saturday or Sunday but we were busy this weekend so time just kind of slipped by. We had some friends coming over for New Years <a href="">Eve</a> - nothing big - but I thought maybe I should test just in case we had any drinks that night. I took the test, set my timer and went to change clothes before they arrived. It was one of those times where I just knew it was going to be negative but when I walked into the bathroom to check it, it was very obviously positive!! I immediately broke down in tears of joy. All the cute ideas I had saved for telling my husband went out the window - I just walked in, handed him the test and said “We are having a baby!”. Then we had to keep it from our friends all night! SO HARD!! I took another test later that night and a few yesterday just to be sure. Hubs is still having a hard time believing it 😂 This could not be a better start to our 2018! 💗💙