Aunt flow is three weeks late. What do you think the result is??

Maci • WIFE ❤️ CHRIST LOVER 🤩 MOM OF 2💖 DUE Feb 2023🤰🏼

Yup, you read that right. Aunt flow had not made her presence for nearly 3 weeks. I have irregular periods normally a few days off but not several weeks.

I gave birth in May of ‘16 and didn’t get my period back until May of ‘17. Once it started again in May, it lasted for three weeks (very light) and I didn’t start again until August. Crazy.

Since I’ve been fairly regular. I’ve kept track of it on the <a href="">Glow App</a> and I usually adjust it by one day.

And yes, I have taken TWO pregnancy tests and both were negative and this was about a week ago. Hubby is supposed to buy more PGT today. I also take my BC regularly.

We are not TTC but I wouldn’t mind if we did get pregnant right now. I start student teaching this semester and I would prefer to not be pregnant and sick for the next 5 months. Our “plan” was to wait until our daughter was 2 before trying again.

Back up to November 29. I had to have a colposcopy for abnormal cells from a PAP I had done in October. I received a grade 3 (pre-cancerous cells) on the PAP and I have to get a LEEP done on January 31st and I am not suppose to be on my period (for obvious reasons). I have had this scheduled for a month now and we had scheduled it so be after my January period was suppose to end by the 19. Well since I haven’t even started my December period, who knows when January will show. My OB/GYN who performs this procedure books months in advance and fills up quickly. I don’t want to end up on my period and having to reschedule and it be even longer to have it done.

I also had a crazy New Years <a href="">Eve</a> night and ended up drinking too much. Go figure. Since I got two negative pregnancy tests, I figured I was ok to drink.



Could the colposcopy I had done, messed up my cycle??

Am I pregnant????

What are your thoughts?

I’m wouldn’t be upset if I am pregnant but I’m worried now since I had some NYE fun. And I don’t want to end up having my period during my scheduled LEEP.

I called my OB and I have to wait for a response.

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