Starting the New Year off with a BFP! (And advice for those still trying)


My husband and I have been TTC for a few months. The first few months were frustrating. We were doing everything right, tracking my ovulation and even tried BD'ing every other day for the entire month. No luck. I started to think the doctors that told me I'd have trouble TTC were right.... This month we decided to take it easy, go with the flow. I only used Glow to track when my period was. I didn't input any symptoms, didn't track my ovulation (though I think I know when I ovulated) and just took a break from all the stress of trying. We enjoyed ourselves all month, and it was fun!

My husband asked when the last time I took a test was, and I realized it had been a while... I decided to test yesterday out of the blue, and got a blazing positive. The picture is not FMU... I took it after I'd been at work all day.

It is so much easier just to roll with it, not stress and let things happen.... though I wish I would've tested before I bought a big pack of ovulation tests (haha)!

FYI, I have been using a Fitbit for a year (for health, not TTC) and when we looked back, my heart rate spiked around the time we would have is still higher than my normal resting heart rate).

Wishing you all the baby dust and luck in the New Year!