Experience asking your boss for WAHM gig?


My maternity leave is wrapping up and I'm headed back to work in less than 2 weeks. Our 9 week old son will be going to daycare Mon/Wed/Fri while I work from home with him Tues/Thurs. We have recently learned that our daycare may not be as supportive as we once thought to our baby's schedule (we are implementing Babywise principles) and I fear that a disconnect between daycare & home (especially switching every other day) will wreak havoc on our sleep and his temperament. That being said, I would like to ask my boss if I can work from home full time so I can be with our son. Does anyone have experience with this type of request? Any tips?

Also, it's worth noting that pre-baby I was in the office 5 days/week so even our 3 day/week plan was a new arrangement. Do I need to wait a certain amount of time after my return to ask for another arrangement (and if so, how long)? Thank you!