Not What We Expected


So first, some back story. This is our first pregnancy, and we are overjoyed. My husband was told that there always a 75% chance he would never be able to have kids, and we got pregnant naturally after 1 year of TTC. Just goes to show that God knows what he is doing.. Now, according to my LMP I would be 10w5d. Yesterday we had our first US, and this US was probably as old as I am (25). So the Dr finds baby, right? Baby is not moving, and "he" is camera shy. Already a stubborn turd like his father. Finally we get the crown to rump. Baby measures 8w4d, and Dr says my uterus measurements are on track with baby... now here is where it gets concerning. Dr says "I'm going to look for the HB, but my US will not pick up the sound. We should be able to see the flicker of the HB." He looks and looks for about 15-20 mins saying "hmm? hmm?" about 5 times. Switches to where half the screen is the regular and second half is black and white lines (I'm assuming the "waves" of the HB). Nothing. He then says, "I cannot find the HB. We have a couple of different things this could be. One, I might be having a bad day with this US machine, or, two, the baby has stopped growing or had something go wrong and your having a MMC . I don't want to lie to you." Automatically, my heart broke into a million pieces. I know he didn't say it was a MMC, 100%, but I was not prepared at all for that to exit his mouth. My husband and I were in complete shock, and heart shattered at even the possibility. They have scheduled another US at the hospital (which will be a better, more recent US) for tomorrow, and I have a follow up appointment on the following morning for results, and blood work. Has anyone had a similar experience? Please share.. good or bad. Any advice, and any prayers would be extremely appreciated! ❤