My delivery story!

Andrea • First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby 💕

I felt like I was going to be pregnant forever!!

Our baby is here! 

Here is our birth story, we really didn’t want to have to be induced, waited until 42 weeks, but had no progress, so we induced on 42 weeks exactly. Checked into the hospital December 27th at 10pm, all checked in and paperwork signed, took my first dose of cytotec at 11:30pm. The plan was to take four doses, it’s one pill split in four doses, but after the first dose, 30 minutes later and boom I was having contractions!

My plan was to not get an epidural or pain meds, so I was allowed to have intermittent monitoring, labored for 6 hours without and pain meds. Such hard work!! Got to 5cm, and I couldn’t take the pain anymore! Something you don’t realize is how there isn’t a break in between contractions. So painful! So happy for my wonderful husband who held my hand and continued to tell me how strong I am and don’t worry this contraction will end. After those 6 hours I got some pain meds through the IV, and that reallllyyyy took the edge off. I was actually able to rest in between contractions. 

Two hours later those started to wear off, and I decided to go for the epidural since the anesthesiologist was going to be in a surgery for the next couple hours. I really thought I would regret my decisions for using pain meds, but in hindsight I don’t regret it at all. They really helped me to get through it, and I still had feeling, but was able to rest in between the contractions. It was the best decision for us :)

Around 2pm it was really starting to hurt! I had to call for the nurse to come and check em and she checked and I was at a 9.5! So I continued to labor on and another 20 minutes later and the pressure was getting insane! The doctor came to check and I was at a ten!! I cannot tell you the joy I felt at that moment. I was so proud of my body for doing what it needed to do and bring our baby into this world. 

Pushed for two hours! Hard work but so amazingly worth every scream of pain when I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. My husband and labor nurse were so encouraging and really pushed me to keep going! When it was time my doctor yelled stop stop stop! Look down! I looked down and she pulled my baby girl out! I saw her head emerge and then the rest of her body, she was so so beautiful and I felt a love I’ve never felt in my life. They laid her on my chest and she cried, it was the most beautiful moment of my life. 

Hubby went with her to the station across the bed as they weighed her and checked her and I finished delivering the placenta, and had to get a couple stitches. 

Best most amazing day of our lives, our life will never be the same and I couldn’t be happier. Welcome to the world Alma! 7lbs 1oz, 19inches 5:02pm