Stress on stress. Crying almost all day. 4 day old baby won’t poop/pee either


Day 5 pp after an emergency c section...I had a rough labor/delivery the nurses said (im an FTM so I wouldn’t know what a smooth labor/delivery was).

First day home and I’m crying all night because I’m 2 sizes bigger than my end pregnancy size (due to swelling), I couldn’t get in and out of bed easily to pee or whatever so I had to slide down to the floor and hurt my incision area, I can’t calm my own baby down, I had major shivers and my S.O was complaining about the heat in the house (yes it was very very hot, about 80, but I had other bigger things to worry about like pumping to feed our son so I didn’t want to hear it).

Turns out I had a fever of 101.4 and then later passed a clot the size of my palm.

Still kind of sick during today and my mom starts complaining about my S.O and how he’s lazy and doesn’t clean (an issue my mom and I have always had between each other), has a staring problem (he stares at our son), and he’s not right for me (he is slightly lazy but he’s gotten a lot better and he makes me happy). And pretty much that he’s a newbie with a baby and doesn’t know how to act and multitask (WHAT GUY NATURALLY DOES??)

It makes me feel so bad and stresses me out and what not to have her talk ill about someone I love and have a kid with...much less right in front of our son (though he’s only 4 days old). She acted snotty with him today a little bit and he’s really done a lot more to help me and our baby than before.

Now I’m sitting in the bathroom passing clots (which I rarely did this much in the hospital) just trying to calm down and get space from people so I can pump for the next feed in 2 hours.

Pumping/baby issue: On top of that my baby (who is bottle-fed breast milk) only peed and pooed once today and it took me long to figure out that he needed to eat more (go from 1 ounce to 2 ounces every 2ish hours).

He feels like he’s trying his best and I see an improvement daily in him.