My birth story (kinda long)

Hayley • Mommy to a beautiful baby boy!

So I was due dec 16 and dr said if I hadn’t had my baby by dec 23rd that he would induce me.. now all throughout pregnancy I never once had a contraction (or at least not any that I felt) and on the evening of dec 19 around 5pm I woke up from a nap and suddenly had horrible contractions. They were consistent and very painful but I still went about my day. It was my nieces birthday so we had gone out to dinner. At dinner the contractions were so bad I couldn’t have more than 2 bites of my meal! At about 7pm I went home and hung out at home for about an hour and a half before deciding to go to L&D.; I showed up to L&D; at 9:15ish and when they checked me I was only 1cm dilated. Since I was overdue and having consistent contractions they did a biophysical profile and on the ultrasound they saw that I had very low amniotic fluid so they admitted me at about midnight and said i wasn’t going home until i had my baby. I labored on my own until about 4am when they decided to induce me and they inserted the pill into my cervix to help me soften out as my cervix was very high & thick.. from then I labored until about 1pm and they inserted the balloons into my cervix which was VERY painful!(everyone is different) so for 12 hours until 1am dec 21 I labored and walked around every couple of hours and when they removed the balloons I was dilated to a 4 and I got the epidural at 2:45 am. From then I labored until 9:20 something am and they said I was fully dilated and ready to push. So they got the dr and I started pushing at 9:29 and by 9:38am (12/21) I had delivered my beautiful baby boy! I ended up having a 2nd degree tear and got stitches but I would do it all over again if it meant having that moment where I first met my son again