feeling down


So my boyfriend of 2yrs left broke up with me and is moving out. and before that we've been friends /known each for 10yrs prior to that. I feel terrible and emotional all the time. I cry like I've never cried b4. I'm currently 10wk and 4 days pregnant. I'm so hurt and heartbroken that this had to happen now of all times. I feel alone and lost all the time. I sometimes can't even put into words how I truly feel. I try to pull it. together bcuz I have ulcerative colitis and don't want to get and flare up or be under so much emotional stress that it effects the baby. when to my check up yesterday and doctor said everything looks fine. to add on top of all that he never wanted the baby. We moved from our hometown to a new city together and he is/was the only person I had in our new city.