so stressed 😢😢😢😢

i feel as if i have genital herpes, i need to go and get checked. on my vulva to the left side of the clitoris i have two white bumps, they are risen and it’s almost like dry skin. they become itchy now and then and i have had them once or twice before but they went away. when i was pregnant (unfortunately miscarried) i had a blood test for infectious diseases and it all came back negative but i’m not sure if they tested for herpes or if it can even be picked up through a blood test. 🙄 i’ve had 5 sexual partners, i am honestly disgusted in myself and wish i had been more careful in the past!! my partner has no symptoms at the moment and as far as i’m aware it can only be passed on when symptoms are present but many people have the virus in their bodies??? i am ttc and know this can potentially impact the ability to deliver naturally 😢 this is more than a rant if anything i just feel like i’ve let myself down big time!