MIL venting!


I have a pretty good relationship with my MIL but like everyone, she also drives me friggen crazy! I don’t want to overreact over every little thing so I’ll usually just say to my husband how it’s “funny” to get it off my chest since I don’t want to upset him. But sometimes I have to talk to her about things and she gets so sensitive about it!

It’s little passive aggressive comments all the time that annoy me the most. But there are certain things she doesn’t let up on and it’s getting even more aggravating having to say the same thing over and over again.

I am scheduled for a csection on February 3rd. The hospital is only a half hour away from our house. When we had our daughter 3 years ago, we were in the middle of building our house so we were living in a 1 bedroom apartment. Since her house it huge and only 15 minutes from hospital in the other direction, we decided to stay there after the baby was born until our house was finished. We only ended up staying about a month because the commute for my husband was too long he was barely seeing our baby girl so we moved back into the apartment. Her house is close to an hour away so it was getting hard on us. And she was driving me crazy so I had to get out.

One time when I was napping when Olivia was napping, she took her out of the crib sleeping. I had to pump due to over supply so I was saving it all up. I woke up to her giving her a bottle of breast milk when I was exclusively breast feeding! I lost it. She probably doesn’t even remember it but I do!

Like anyone, I don’t like staying in other people’s homes. I like the comfort of my own home and bed! Not living out of a suitcase and just being able to be myself. Every single time I have a doctor appointment she says “why don’t you just stay by me instead of driving back and forth” and I know she’s genuinely being nice. A few months ago she said “I am getting the room ready for you guys and Liv for when the baby comes” and I was confused. She was like “well aren’t you gonna stay here? I already bought a bed for Olivia so she can have a room” again, very nice, I very sweetly thanked her and explained that we have our home now so there was no need. Said I would rather be in comfort of my own home leading up to the baby and of course want the baby to move right into our home not hers. And knowing I am having a csection, my bedroom is on the first floor as is my daughters so that eliminates having to walk up stairs which is really difficult! And her house has legit 2 flights of stairs to get to the second floor where all the bedrooms are. She of course put up a fight. Giving me all the reasons why we should move into her house temporarily.

There are a million reasons why I do not want to move in but she keeps bringing it up! When I told her our scheduled date she right away said “so your gonna stay here the week before right?” NO! I’m gonna sleep in my own bed before being stuck in a hospital for 3-4 days to be followed by a year of nights awake with my baby boy!

I told her yesterday that now that I’m 35 weeks I have to go to the doctor every week. She says “why don’t you just stay by me and take Liv out of school for the next couple of months or send her less days? I can pick her up from school so you don’t have to go back up” NO! Liv needs to keep consistency in her life before the arrival of her baby brother, it’s healthy for her. And why would I take her out of school BEFORE the baby comes?!

I try so hard to explain to her nicely that I appreciate her offers but no thank you! But she’s not getting it! She will say things like “so your not alone with the baby” mind you my last pregnancy she was gone all day when I went into labor so I had to wait for my husband to drive all the way down to her house to take me to the hospital. She’s never home, my mom came and stayed with me when my husband went back to work to help out. I even said that to her that they are never home so it doesn’t help me anyway.

My daughter misbehaves terribly when she’s around Grandma so that’s another reason I don’t want to live there. She doesn’t listen to any directions. She actually does the opposite! Gives my daughter junk food non stop, when it’s bedtime will make me look bad by saying I should let her stay up later. It’s non stop.

Like I said, there are a million reasons I don’t want to stay there! But she won’t let up.

I just needed to vent! I’m very pregnant and hormonal I know! I just feel myself boiling up! And don’t want to snap at her! I appreciate all her offers but less appreciate her back handed insults like how I keep my house, how I raise my daughter or rules I have for my home. My patience is wearing thin and just trying to avoid bubbling over!