Issues with In-laws and expecting #2


Hi all, my husband and I just found out we are expecting baby #2 and have an almost 10 month old son. We haven’t told anyone yet as it is still very early, but I’m looking for advice from other mommas. Does anyone else feel like there parents or in-laws don’t respect your parenting decisions? It seems like my FIL has to argue with everything I do. For example, I don’t have bumpers in my crib because of SIDS risk and only let my son sleep with a light muslin blanket. He thinks my son is going to hit his head on the crib and cause an injury from no bumper pads. I’m aggravated with the typical “when I was a kid.... blah blah... and I turned out fine” argument. I have yet to let him sleep over their house or anyone else’s. My in-laws slept over our house to drive us to the airport early in the morning a few weeks ago and offered to watch the baby on the monitor while we slept.. I agreed, but when I walked to the kitchen to get a drink, I found my MIL on the couch with my son on a pillow and she was asleep with her hand on his chest. Needless to say I moved him because I was afraid he would roll off the couch. I feel my opinion is never respected, but it seems anyone who I speak to that’s of an older generation, ex. my parents, grandparents, just think I’m overreacting and they “turned out fine.” Any similar experiences or advice? Now worried about experiencing this all over again with baby #2.