I’m so lost.

I’ve posted before asking for help, but I feel like I’m at my breaking point. My husband has been physically abusive in the past and now is very emotionally/verbally abusive. He calls me a selfish bitch, tell me I’m no good, that I can’t do anything right, I’m too dumb, I don’t know how to be a mother, just all sorts of stuff. That doesn’t even touch the surface. Well last night he told me he’d rather be with his ex that’s 40 than a dumb ass 22 year old (he’s 28). Told me he was in the mood to file for divorce and he would do it. He didn’t care. Said he would lose me and get full custody of our child because I don’t have anything. (We made the decision for me to quit work while I was pregnant and i haven’t worked since. I have no money but the little bit I got for Christmas) So this morning I tell him it was all unnecessary. He doesn’t think so. He went to talking about it again. Told me to take the day to go back home but don’t take our child. I said I’m not leaving her. He said well if you leave with her, my lawyer and I will come get y’all. Then he was like I don’t care what you do. I wanted a child and I have one. I said so you used me for a child? And he was like you can think whatever the f**k you want. Then finally walked out of the room with a final “F*ck you.” Few minutes later came back and said something then was like “Oh I did I tell you? F*ck you” and flipped me off. I started crying and he was sitting there mimicking my sobs. Now his mama is telling me I’m not going anywhere.. That the baby will be here. Guys. I seriously need advice. I can’t be talked down on anymore. It takes a mental wear on you. And I don’t want it to be that way with my baby girl. And his mama is the one that will definitely make all this ugly...... I just need help.


Update: I got out after a heated argument the other night and being kicked in the stomach then being accused of trying to file a false report. I guess the divorce process is about to start. He’s threatening full custody, but I just don’t see it at this point..