Rant about jobs vs birth of child

To keep this short, my boyfriend's job told him that he can take the few days off while we are the hospital for our daughter's birth. That included from the night we went in for the induction until we left the hospital. So that's what we did. He went back to work THE DAY AFTER we came home like normal and went for the full week. The next week rolls around and he comes home after only being there for a couple hours saying they let him go for having three days of no call no shows .... and also told him his days off to be in the hospital never got approved by HR, even though his managers told him that last day of work before we went to the hospital that he had those days off. They also told him they never had any notice of the days off in advance which is BS because his whole work has known about our pregnancy since this summer. So now we both aren't working and this has become so much more stressful. Physically I can't go back to work early because I've been having issues with my postpartum recovery. I wish he would've gotten the days off in writing so we could actually fight this instead of it being a "he said, she said". 😞