wanting to get pregnant

For the past couple months I have been wanting to get pregnant seeing alot of my friends get pregnant now a days it's been giving me really bad baby fever like crazy. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two year he does already have a kid with his ex wife and he's only 23 his wife as far as I know pretty much forced to get pregnant going to the Dr every month and I know he want ready to be a father. He still lives with his mom and he was when he was married for 7yrs with the baby for 3 of those years. I am now living with him at his moms, I know it is to early and it might be jumping into things to fast but he really is an amazing man and a wonderful father he just needs to grow up a bit. So my meaning to this is should I talk to my boyfriend about it or should I wait a couple more years I'm 19. oh and we both have good paying jobs.