OPKs worth it?

Charity • Angel Baby 10/16/14 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl 2/25/16 👶🏻🎀 Angel Baby #2 8/2/17 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby Girl #2 12/6/18 👶🏻🎀 Peanut growing due 11/2/2021 🥜

The gist: So, my husband and I are TTC for the 4th time and I am needing to do more than just winging it. I am thinking about trying OPKs, but since I never have used them I am hoping you guys can give me some advice; like the best brands, digital or normal, and if you think they are even helpful. TIA!

Full Story: my husband and I started to try for our first baby in June 2014. We got pregnant that October but it ended quickly in a miscarriage at about 8 weeks. I was devastated and so so so depressed. Turns out you can get PPD in even in that short amount of time. Through bloodwork we found out my body had no completed the miscarriage and so I had to get the methotrexate shot. Once we were cleared to start trying again in January we did and got pregnant for the second time in May 2015. That pregnancy stuck and we had our sweet baby girl in February 2016. This past June (2017) we decided to start trying for baby #2 and surprisingly got pregnant the first month. We ended up finding out at our 10 week appointment that our baby had stopped growing shortly after conception and my body was just not recognizing the loss. So, I ended up having a D&C; in August. We started trying again in November and now it just seems even harder than ever and every negative test makes me feel like I can't keep doing this. I don't want to just leave it up to chance and just wing it, but I also don't want to stress too much over temping and CM and OPKs and all that, so I am wondering if just doing OPKs are a good middle ground? Or is there another strategy that you have found to be successful and more worth the time?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and offer your opinion!