21 weeks pregnant and kidney infection?


I’m 21+5 weeks pregnant and I’ve been having a lot of pain on the right side of my back and abdomen. I have been to the hospital the other night and they said I have a urinary tract infection and I called my doctors office to receive treatment but I haven’t gotten a call back. Im really worried about a kidney infection because of the back pain. It’s not constant or horrible and I don’t have a fever. It’s been off and on for maybe a week or so. When it comes it’s a very uncomfortable nagging pain. How do kidney infections feel when they first start? I’ve been to the hospital like 4 or 5 times during this pregnancy and I’m sure they think I’m a hypochondriac already lol so I don’t want to go back. My next doctors appointment is January 24th. What should I do? Please give advice and your experience with kidney infection during pregnancy. (Also having a lot of tightening even though I’m drinking lots of water. They checked and said I’m not having contractions and lots of watery discharge.)