FTM confused about HCG/ everything !


Hi ladies,

FTM here so everything is super new!!

Saw my doctor and he said I am 5w3d, had blood tests yesterday and they confirmed this morning - nurse said HCG levels were at 1,000 something (I didn't take in much after she said I was pregnant!)

- Is this a good range of HCG to be in? I'm going for more blood tests on Monday and another doc appt Friday, just hate all this waiting!

Aside from sore boobs and very occasional tiny bits of nausea, I'm not having any super obvious symptoms, I'm tired but I'm always tired as I work a physically demanding job (wedding florist and it's wedding season) I'm a little bit more bloated/gassy than usual, I've been spotting here and there. I know symptoms are different for everyone but I guess I just want my body to show that those hormones are doing what they're meant to! Maybe 6wks is when they'll show up more strongly?

More than anything I'm glad to just be able to download here! My family is interstate for two weeks and we found out the day after they left, so that's making waiting hard, I'm so excited to tell them! (Didn't want to just tell them over the phone, first grandchild for my parents.)

Any encouragement or wisdom would be great.
