Hey y'all

Marypaz • 💀Marypaz💀💜1st Baby Girl💜 ♊Gemini Momma♊ ♉Baby Taurus♉ ♐Sagi Dadda♐

It's been a while since any of us posted! and since the app has been glitchy and doesn't always notify when someone makes a comment or adds a new post I assume most of us left because it seemed dead. I just wanted to come on and say hello again and share how my life is going. I am now 8 months Post partum and have decided to start exercising in secret from my husband. I still haven't committed to eating less....im thinking about though lol. I feel like I'm constantly hungry so that's been hard to really do. My house is always a disaster and my husband doesn't really help all that much with the cleaning and since I don't have any motivation when I am depressed I haven't cleaned in days maybe even 2 weeks. which is one of the reasons I decided to start exercising. I'm hoping it will help with my depression. My beautiful baby girl says mamma, dada, yeah, and nana. She recently started clapping, she blows raspberries, can make popping noises by pressing her lips together(sorry idk what that's called or how else to explain it.) She also clicks her tongue, waves her hand, and "dances" or rocks back and forth to music. She has learned to pick things up with her pointer finger and thumb but doesn't know to put it into her mouth. And last week her too lower front teeth popped out simultaneously....i thought she would have been more fussy but she's always been a very happy baby. She is trying to crawl but hasn't figured out how to yet! Being a mom is more amazing than I could have ever dreamed of! She blows my mind every single day! and I could talk about her for days! my husband and I made a couple's resolution so that we can try to get along better. It's only been five days so I can't say if it has helped or not yet but it needs to. I don't want our daughter to grow up seeing us fighting all the time. Anyway if you got all the way to this point then thanks for reading and leave a comment and maybe an update on your life! 💜 thanks for being awesome and happy belated new heart! I hope you achieve your goals and pray you get any blessings you stand in need of! - Marypaz.