Trying to stay optimistic..

Elizabeth • Momma to one angel baby 02.02.20 👼🏻 fur momma to four 🐶🐶🐱🐱💕

Hi, a couple weeks ago I went to the doctor for the first time in three years. My husband and I have been trying to conceive naturally for almost a year and a half. At my appointment, we talked about multiple things of importance, like: my depression, scoliosis, PCOS (diagnosed at 17 y/o) and migraines. A lot was figured out, and my doctor was really adamant on prescribing me medications that are okay to take during pregnancy. I found out that I suffer from Severe Clinical Depression and it's much more severe than I thought it was and my doctor suggested that we wait to further trying to get pregnant until we get my mental health figured out. I agreed with her. I still agree with her. I just want to be a mom so badly and with my depression and my PCOS, I just feel like it might not ever happen.. I don't know, I'm probably just overreacting.