Waiting to miscarry. Again. :( Help?

Becca • RN, mama to two daughters, recurrent pregnancy loss survivor, 🌈 baby # 3 on the way
Got pregnant in March, dates look like we conceived 13 days after a miscarriage at 5+2.
At 5 weeks we saw sac & yolk sac, at 7+1 we saw baby, right on track with heart rate of 152.  On Thursday, which would have been 9+1 we saw baby, measuring 8+2, with no more heartbeat.  We were told that the baby had passed and we could schedule d&c, use the pills to induce the miscarriage or wait 2-4  weeks to see if I miscarry naturally.  We chose option 3 for now, my midwife recommended as the healthiest/most natural.
Has anyone been through this? I'm devastated and so angry.  Being pregnant, with all the symptoms and knowing the baby is dead is just cruel.
How long did you wait to miscarry?
Do you know of anything I can do or eat that might help start the process?  I had one spot of red blood yesterday and some mild cramps but nothing since.  I can't even explain how I feel.  I cut 5 inches off my hair (myself). I'm losing it. :(