Is this normal ? ? Some please help


Basically yesterday I started getting little like shooting pain sensations inside my stomach to the right hand side of my belly (sometimes near my vaginal area and sometimes in my belly - they seem to shoot up the way - the only last for maybe a second or two at most -

They aren’t painful but are defo noticeable....

I recall getting something similar but less noticeable around 10 weeks... I felt the baby move for the first time two days ago and have definitely been more aware of what is going on in my stomach!

I don’t know if it’s round ligament pain or if its baby causing it? I had it last night and have it this morning too - isn’t there all the time though..... I should point out I also didn’t drink much water yesterday so don’t know if thirstiness is playing a part :/? Anyone with me ?

Should also point out that sometimes I can get them 30-60 seconds apart for a period of time...

And it doesn’t matter what I’m doing, walking or standing still or something else - not brought on by movement or awkward turning etc... please help