got my heart broken by a twat

I met this boy at my friends 14th birthday party last september,as he walked through the doors i was like aye i need to know him.The only thing that stopped me from trying anything with him was my mate she clearly liked him and he clearly liked her.I was with her all that night,they were flirting,having fun and i was just there wanting to know who tf this boy was.I don’t know what happened to me that night but i got really hyper and just became comfortable around him (if you knew me personally you would know that’s nothing like me)

The day after the party we were talking on snapchat because i somehow already had him on it? Then me and my mates and him and his mates all planned to go out to the park and play football for abit of fun.It was probably one of the best days of my life tbf.I bearly knew him but it felt like we’d known eachother for years.A couple more days went by and we were all gonna go out again. He asked my mate (the one he once liked) if i was gonna be there she then asked if he liked me and he replied yes. she cried. he made of of my best friends cry.

i did not get told about that conversation till after they threw a surprise party thing for my birthday in october. October was the month we got close and i would do anything to go back to that month. We hung out a lot and he genuinely made me so happy.

On the 3rd of november he asked me out.I said yes.he was my first boyfriend.he was my first kiss.everything was going so well until december and i don’t know what happened to him, he stopped texting,he stopped meeting up with me and honestly he just stopped loving me.I decided maybe it was me i tried to talking to him but it was just dead replies. he was always too “busy to meet up with me aswell.

On the 2nd of january he broke up with me. i cried my eyes out for an hour. my friends basically attacked him on snapchat😂. his excuse was that things weren’t going good and that we weren’t right for eachother.he asked if we could still be mates and said i derserve better than him. i was truly heartbroken. i still liked him. i still do. apparently he does aswell but who can be so oblivious to the fact the girl that you “like/love” has gone back to the old sad version of herself.

here’s a photo of the paragraph of the girl that once liked him sent him after him and his friend were commenting stuff on my insta.

and that’s the story of my first love and my first heartbreak.thank you for reading x