Wedding party issues...

Has anyone ever reduced their wedding party after already asking bridesmaids? I’ve been having issues with people not answering my messages, not coming to wedding party events (I’m hosting a dinner and less than half are coming, three cancelled the morning of) and just not being reliable in general. Now, I don’t want to call anyone out because I really don’t want the drama. But I do think it’s making it harder to plan my wedding and it would be better to just have the people who are actually being helpful in the wedding party.

How do I go about this? I sort of want to say something like “it seems that you aren’t interested in being a bridesmaid and I have chosen to reduce the size of the bridal party to only include those who are actively helping me plan my wedding”

Is this a horrible thing to do? The girls I want to remove never speak to me outside of wedding things (one of them never even answers the bridal party group chat messages). We haven’t ordered dresses yet but I’d like to in the next month so I want to decide now.