update... any opinions ?!


Sunday i was sitting in sunday school ... Next to my MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER and boyfriend , wellll..... i felt a nice little urge to vomit. i got up and ran as quickly but respectfully to the restroom . 😷🤢🤣 TMI ALERT...... it was liquid like , not much , 2 good ones. anyways well , I came on my period , my normal cycle is usually heavy and lasts 4 days , this one was faint and lasted 3. I wasn't worried ... until... my boyfriend (which has already had a child before our relationship.... a 2yr old Daughter) he feels as if hes going through what he experienced while his child's mother was pregnant . . . . he says I'm gaining weight , and he just sees a difference in me. and he is sure I'm pregnant. I feel totally fine. I think he's going crazy and over thinking. I still haven't taken a test only because I came on my period... should I trust his instincts or brush it off??