Bed time nightmare help

So my little guy has never been good so to say about going to bed that includes naps. It always seems to be a battle of me knowing he’s tired but him screaming if I put him down to sleep. Just a quick aside he sleeps in our bed because it was easiest while breastfeeding. He’s almost 1 and still there - but we’re moving to South America in a few months and don’t want to start a new sleeping arrangement until we’re settled there. That all being said I really really am feeling stressed with the tantrums that come with sleep time. I lay next to him I have a sound machine he has his pacifier and favorite blanket I usually lay with my arm over him otherwise he Won’t go to sleep but at the same time has tantrums when I do that. I know he’s tired he just won’t sleep like forces himself awake. I’m seriously at my wits end. I need tantrums over sleep to stop I hate hearing him cry like that. Help please please please help.